"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" is a story about Walter Mitty always had daydream when he was doing something.in his daydreams,Walter Mitty is a person who is a leader,a captain,he is a person who always has strong power,anyone need 
listen to him,other treat him like someone who can countrol anything,they ask him questions,they all listen to him.in one dream,he was the commander,he wore the uniform and his voice was cold,he shouted to his workers,he wanted to going throught more quickly,but his workers thought it's too dangerous and he thought he doesn't afrad of anything, he could do anything he want to do. back to real life,he was driving a car,his wife was sitting beside him,he drove so quickly,she was angry with Mitty.soon,he had another dream, he was a doctor worked with pretty nurse,he worked with 2doctors,but he was
the leader,
and then he met Pritchard Mitford, Mitty fixed a big machine,everyone was proud of him, they became his helpers.back to real life,he drived to wrong place ,but he didn't know,until someone called his name and let him be careful,
in real life,no one cares about him, his wife ordered him to bought overshoes, he hated her ,but he had no choise.in the real
world,Walter Mitty is a man who is controled by other people, he could only blamed to things he didn't want to do, he had no
choise.after these things,Walter Mitty's real life and his daydream is opposite,absoultly different,the reason he always had
daydream is because his life gave him pressure and his wife,always talked to him like he is her waiter,he wanted be a powerful

 i think Harrison is a hero, he thrust his thumbs under the bar of the padlock that secured his head harness, he flung away his rubber-ball nose..he throw everything that restrain him, and removed a ballerina's mask, he said he is the emperor,he showed people how he looks like without these things, how these handicap things change them, he exposed the life he had,he is fighting for everyone.if he become the emperor, his rule will be no one is equal, everyone can't be equal and they don't need to wear handicap,people can be themslves. the socirty will be more free,but some people will be jealous about other people's clever brain or pretty face something else, but he don't want people in control .
exposition:on the way Ofelia and her mum go to see her father,Ofelia see a demon.
big event:the demon bring Ofelia to the enter of the labyrinth,she meet the porter of the labyrinth Fauno,he tell her she is the princess of the underground kingdom.
rising action:1.Ofelia need to save an old tree,under the old tree,there is a big toad lives under this tree for hundreds years,Ofelia kill the toad and get the key .
                    2.Ofelia get another mission,but she doesn't do well,there are 2demon died for her,Fauno is disapponited of her.
                    3.Ofelia get another chance ,Fauno tell her she need kill her little brother,use his blood to open the door of the underground kingdom,but she say no.
climax:Ofelia die,killed by her father.
falling action:Ofelia use her blood to open the door of the underground kingdom.
denouement: Ofelia go back to the underground kingdom,and meet her parents-the king and the queen.