exposition:on the way Ofelia and her mum go to see her father,Ofelia see a demon.
big event:the demon bring Ofelia to the enter of the labyrinth,she meet the porter of the labyrinth Fauno,he tell her she is the princess of the underground kingdom.
rising action:1.Ofelia need to save an old tree,under the old tree,there is a big toad lives under this tree for hundreds years,Ofelia kill the toad and get the key .
                    2.Ofelia get another mission,but she doesn't do well,there are 2demon died for her,Fauno is disapponited of her.
                    3.Ofelia get another chance ,Fauno tell her she need kill her little brother,use his blood to open the door of the underground kingdom,but she say no.
climax:Ofelia die,killed by her father.
falling action:Ofelia use her blood to open the door of the underground kingdom.
denouement: Ofelia go back to the underground kingdom,and meet her parents-the king and the queen.

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